Yoga is not
standing on the head,
but staying
grounded in life.

Yoga has always been for me an instrument to blow off steam that have built up during my life, a method to rebalance in a period of excessive stress, worry and anxiety or simply to have fun exploring my body potential. For this reason I decided to share my experience to help people reaching the awareness that makes us conscious of our abilities and allows us to reveal our inner power.
Annu Henriikka Balducci

Wake up
our potential

Yoga is health, joy and fullness of life. Yoga wakes our power up by stimulating our inner life force bringing benefits and improvements on all aspects of our life from a physical to a mental point of view.
These are probably things that everyone already knows but I want to share my personal story because Yoga has done a lot for me.

Yoga has always been a point of reference in my life since I was a teenager; maybe the roots of my connection with this practice are back in time. I did yoga unknowingly, practicing often asana with an unusual upside-down perspective on the world; enough to make my mother think that I was an Indian fakir in a past life.

I attended a Waldorf school that thanks to the educational approach developed on Rudolf Steiner indications paves me the way of the knowledge of natural disciplines.

There is a sort of connection between the philosophy of Steiner and the Hatha Yoga one. Both main objective is to understand and discover the joy of living. A joy which passed by and nature in our everyday life.

I graduated in marketing and worked in the fashion industry for a very long time. Becoming a Yoga teacher has been the natural consequence to my life journey.
This is what makes me feel good and keep me motivated andin. I like very much traveling and I loved visiting India and Asia to discover the places where it all began.

In Sanskrit the word PRAKRITI describes our real nature defined by our soul at the moment when we are born. At the base of HATHA Yoga philosophy there is the achievement of PURNA status, fullness of life, being aware that we are an element in the universe with a certain place and mission.

My mission is to teach how we can find our abilities and achieve them through the body. The purpose of ASANA positions is to activate our inner power. We are full of PRANA and vital energy.

HATHA YOGAA practice
for everyone

My lessons can be both individual and group classes. Each lesson is different and based on the people involved. During the practice we alternate meditation and breathing techniques and asana.

Among the olive tree

Relieve stress discovering nature, this is one of yoga purposes. Attend one of the my lesson surrounded by nature.

On holiday

We can practice Yoga on the beach, surrounded by the unique nature of Versilia in Tuscany with the smell of the sea.

To “La Pace"

In Montecatini Terme, at the Grand Hotel La Pace, a real oasis of wellness with a spa to practice yoga and take care of yourself.

Full immersion

We can set up clinic days also for companies, in a Tuscan farmhouse to rebalance and regenerate mind and body from everyday life.

Call me or text me for any information about yoga classes. I will be glad to answer to your questions. Find again your power and physical health. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news.

Montecatini Terme
Forte dei Marmi
Call me
+39 347 3283958
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