
Yoga is health, joy and fullness of life. Yoga wakes our power up by stimulating our inner life force bringing benefits and improvements on all aspects of our life from a physical to a mental point of view.
Yoga reveals something hidden in us, by starting a mental and physical evolution.

During my studies to become an Hatha Yoga teacher, my mentors have always pointed out the importance of practicing what I was learning. So, after the first semester I started teaching. I was in Calabria on beautiful beaches and surrounded by barren lands. I had the chance to teach classes of people with different needs included a seven months pregnant mom and some kids. I am sure that the breathing pranayama techniques and the asana we did brought something new into the life of each person who attended. I saw some of the most important benefits in the children involved.

Yoga was for them a moment of fun; also thanks to the positions names that reminded them some animals they love. I noticed their presence in the “here and now moment”.
The same thing happened to me with a group of professionals of an important company. We organized a full immersion retreat day that gave them the opportunity to rebalance mind and body and to relieve from daily work stress. It’s important to keep focus on a relaxed and listening attitude to enjoy yoga benefits.

Yoga lessons
in Montecatini Terme

Montecatini Terme, in the province of Pistoia, is the city where I live.
I am currently giving weekly lessons at Grand Hotel La Pace, a five-star luxury hotel with an internal oasis of wellness and a spa where practicing yoga becomes a moment to take care of yourself. Yoga lessons are open to everyone included the hotel guests.

Grand Hotel La Pace Wellness Area
Yoga Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 11 a.m.
Group lesson costs 20 euros with spa entry included.

Yoga lessons
at the beach

Versilia is the most famous sea destination along the Tuscan coast. We can practice Yoga on Viareggio or Forte dei Marmi beaches with the smell of the sea and the fresh breeze that blown on the banks. The sand allows us to assume natural positions without any kind of effort. Lessons can be individual or group sessions, usually in the early morning during the moment of (greater) silence.

Versilia, Lucca
Usually in the early morning.
Individual lesson costs 40 euros.

"One Day Clinic"
Yoga lessons

We can organize Clinic days for groups, especially for companies, to rebalance mind and body and to relieve from work life. Thanks to the special hatha yoga program I developed, people can learn the techniques to slow naturally the rhythm of breath, improving enormously the physical, emotional and mental health, increasing the ability to take intuitive decisions, to make good choices and to be more efficient in daily life.

We evaluate together the best solution for group needs.
Yoga lessons can be in the early morning or in any other time of day.
The organization and prices of a special “Clinic” day may vary depending on the requests.

Yoga lessons
Intensive Retreat weekend

Reducing stress and reconciling yourself with the nature is one of the yoga purposes. We can organize, with the collaboration of a tourist accommodation to be selected, an holiday theme or intensive Hatha yoga retreat during weekends. We will stay in an ideal location for activities like yoga and meditation to be surrounded by an amazing nature. An old farmhouse where we can spend time discovering the pleasure of being together away from the noise and traffic.

Azienda Agricola Musignano, Cerreto Guidi, near Florence.
Yoga lessons can be in the early morning or in any other daytime.
The organization and prices may vary depending on the requests.


Complete here the form to book your individual lesson or to partecipate in one of the classes. I will be happy to answer you to confirm your reservation or suggest you an alternative time for your lesson.

    Call me or text me for any information about hatha yoga. I will be happy to answer all your requests and receive you on this journey to find energy and health again. Follow me also on of Facebook and Instagram.

    Montecatini Terme
    Forte dei Marmi
    Call me
    +39 347 3283958
    Write me