Hatha yoga teacher
EFOA school

My name is Annu Balducci and I started studying to become an Hatha Yoga teacher in 2017. It was a natural choice to continue a personal growth and offer my experience to others, giving me the chance to find balance, joy and satisfaction.

your breath of life

Hatha Yoga practice is based on the harmony of three principal elements; The position (of Your body), the mind and the breath. These three elements are forming one asana. The purpose of asana is to encourage and to activate you inner strength (SHAKTI) to discover our inner vital energy (PRANA).

Improve your stress management

You will learn how to relax your body and mind and to rebalance your physical, emotional and mental reactions.

Get your muscle toned and stronger

You will improve your flexibility and your body posture, alleviating pain and stress.

Increase your psycho physical energies

You will discover a new body feel and a new clarity of your thoughts.

Refresh skin and cells

You will work on your blood circulation by improving tissues and balancing the entire nervous and hormonal system.

Join one of my Yoga classes Or book your personal individual lesson

My lessons mainly take place in Tuscany, among the green hills of Pistoia, near Montecatini Terme, Lucca and Forte dei Marmi.

Call me or text me for any information about yoga classes. I will be glad to answer to your questions. Find again your power and physical health.

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news.


Montecatini Terme
Forte dei Marmi

Call me

Annu Henriikka Balducci | +39 3473283958 | P.IVA 01882530478